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The perks of waterbirth:
Nothing elicits relaxation quite like water. …Placid, peaceful water. This is all the more true in the realm of birth.
While this stilling effect of water will appeal to some more than others, there are some sound scientific reasons why water works for labor and birth. They are deserving of our consideration as we make decisions about what birth experience is right for us.
Real Relaxation… The relaxing effect of water birth is not merely anecdotal, it is physiological. There are two main elements of a water birth that cause greater relaxation; buoyancy and warmth. The more relaxed you can become, the more efficient your labor will be due to hormonal changes.
Buoyancy… It is impossible to completely relax a muscle that is in use. Allowing your body weight to be supported by water (rather than by the musculo-skeletal system) conserves energy, allowing greater stores for the work of labor. Buoyancy also allows the baby to float off of the main arteries and veins that supply circulation to the uterus. This allows the uterus to work more efficiently.
Warmth… We use water in the form of warm compresses to care for the area of the perineum in many forms of birth experience. In water birth, relaxing the pelvic floor muscles becomes easier for some women. Relaxing in the warmth of water can also reduce anxiety (and thus blood pressure). According to the Gate Theory of Pain, any amount of pleasure reduces the sensations of pain. Warm, pleasurable water against the nerves in the skin can block pain impulses, minimizing their effect.
Other Benefits… There is evidence that buoyancy helps the uterus contract more efficiently, and improves circulation. This can decrease the length of labor, particularly in 2nd stage. It can also decrease the likelihood of a birth injury (such as a tear).
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